Will a Glock Barrel Wok in an Airsoft Gun

Will a Glock Barrel Wok in an Airsoft Gun

Ane of problems that players have with their airsoft guns is Bulletin board system curving at left,right, upwards and down instead of going straight and thus affecting the accuracy. Y'all may invest into dandy scopes and sights and meliorate your aiming skills, however if there is something wrong with the fundamentals of the gun, it must exist fixed outset.

This trouble oft occurs on guns that have certain dysfunctions whether it was a matter of manufacturing or your maintenance. Therefore, I volition mention what you can do to set it today and make your gun piece of work as intended.

And so, what are the possible causes of your gun not shooting directly?

Your gun is non shooting straight considering of issues related to inner barrel, hop upwardly system, bad Bbs quality, extensions or optics. You tin fix any of these bug past detecting a problem and then fixing it using a proper technique that will be showed in this guide.

Airsoft rifle in hands

People sometimes panic and think that their gun is broken to the extent that it tin no longer be stock-still, but this is rarely the truth. Y'all can fix it yourself if you put some time into it and this tin can exist a great skill that may end upward being very useful for hereafter.

If you play airsoft a lot and have friends who play it too, having some simple gun engineer skills often come handy. The other solution is to notice a trouble and if it happens to be too hard to set it yourself, you can pass information technology to someone else.

 Withal, I would not hurry passing information technology to someone else before I knew that the problem lies in something difficult, this is based on the fact that sometimes a uncomplicated fix solves the biggest problems and you will non know nearly it before yous effort it out on your own.

I will brainstorm with the easiest solutions that yous should try first and if they do not work and so go on with others on the list. In order to examination the difference, after every modify shoot 10-20 Bulletin board system, pay attention to Bbs and how they land.

Only a couple more uncomplicated questions to eliminate some simple problems, people sometimes accept those and instead of fixing them easily they rather get into a circuitous stuff that worked. If you do not detect the following questions as a possible cause, just skip them.

The Bbs should not curve at sides but go straight no matters what

I must mention this outset, there are levels to airsoft replicas. Some replicas are keen, authentic and long lasting while some replicas (read cheaper ones without brand to back information technology up) oftentimes lack quality and it can be seen in action.

Then, merely some guns have better accurateness because the hop up system, inner barrel and similar inner machinery is done improve, the potential of such guns is high while some guns just do not have the potential to brainstorm with. Therefore, some guns volition naturally exist less authentic and some guns dependent on a model will just behave differently, so you volition accept to learn the path oh how the hop upwards works and therefore adapt to it.

If your gun shoots Bulletin board system at sure angle and yous see them landing after fifty anxiety, accommodate and calculate at which angle you have to shoot with the gun measuring the altitude to hitting the target.

Even the cheapest guns do not randomly and dramatically bend at sides and if this is the case than there is a problem to fix.

Practice you lot apply extensions on your gun?

In case that you have any extension similar a suppressor at the top of your gun, you should check this first and see whether it is aligned with the butt or not. Remove information technology and shoot without it. If your gun starts to misbehave only with such extensions then you lot know where the trouble is, extensions are non supposed to affect the functionality of a gun at all.

Are yous certain that the sight is not a problem?

Some other simple solution may be if the problem lies in the sight yous are using, it is not uncommon for fe sights and scopes to brand such issues when not properly installed or are broken, you think you aim at the right point only BBs travel at side. Yous have to play with information technology and observe the perfect alignment and it should fix a trouble unless it is some manufacturing error on sights and scopes.

Airsoft BBs

A quality of BBs that you use can mean a solar day and dark in airsoft world. Cheap and poor manufactured Bbs can non but touch the accuracy of your gun but also jam it.

There are two important factors regarding Bbs, first i is the quality and second one is the weight.

Start using high quality BBs from proven brands

The way the Bulletin board system are manufactured ways a lot, when a non-symmetrical, poorly designed BB (air bubbles, rough and non-polished trunk) gets propelled out of your gun it may solitary affect the accuracy and make it seem that your gun does not work as intended. This is however, due to their issues and a gun may work perfect but a BB is non aerodynamically designed or may travel at bad bending inside the barrel.

If you have just bought your gun and it came with some „test" Bbs in a package and you have used those BBs, it may exist the cause. Throw them away just as you would need to throw away whatsoever BB that does not have a brand backside it. One time you switch to quality Bbs it may solve your trouble.

Start using heavier BBs

Yous should use heavier BBs to improve accurateness on all guns that permit you to do so. This means that your gun needs to take enough FPS to support heavier Bbs, otherwise you will have to stick to the lighter BBs.

If you lot desire to know more almost this than you lot should check my guide on heavy BBs and find the part that explains which weight you should utilize on your gun, this will help you tremendously increment accurateness.

What heavier Bulletin board system do is that they create more resistance against the air, thus making them more than stable and countering the strength that comes from winds. Playing airsoft on a perfect day without wind is utopia and this is often a reason why BBs bend at sides at certain distance, they become carried by wind due to poor weight and poor resistance.

Now it should make sense to you why this helps, High velocity that powers the heavy object results in a slower pace BB but as well makes it resistant and harder on standoff. Paintball has manner less issues with this, because the paintball ammo is heavier and hurts more any airsoft BB on the market.

Inner butt

At that place are a few bug that may occur with inner butt, one is extremely easy to ready and the other ane volition require a bit more of work.

Dirty inner barrels

Proper maintenance is a must with airsoft replicas just even the newer guns that have not been used extensively might need some cleaning. If this is a trouble your gun is experiencing than yous are near to fix it quite soon.

You lot volition need a cleaning rod, some soft material and preferably rubbing alcohol, if you practise non have rubbing alcohol than warm water can be used too, merely I believe that alcohol does job amend and you should take it at abode, specially for long term gun maintenance.

Some players use silicone oil, only I would avert silicone oils and whatever paper because oil will brand dirt stick to the sides of a barrel and paper may get stuck within.

Put the soft cloth/patch on the rod and put it in barrel, twist information technology until you lot experience that you accept touched the nozzle and twist it back up, repeat this a couple times.

I would also replace the soft cloth/patch with some other dry 1 and finish cleaning with it, I think that this is especially important if you are using oil considering you do not desire your inner butt to be total of it.

Proper alignment

This tin be tricky if you accept non e'er played with inner parts of a gun, but nevertheless tin can be done on your own. If you do not want to this on your own but accept tried other techniques and goose egg worked so you tin pass it to someone else to set it for you lot.

Sometimes the inner butt is not exactly fixed and aligned, the whole story begins in the hop up unit, the BBs must travel through inner barrel and leave the gun one time they reach the very top of it. When all mentioned components are not properly aligned the BBs may become diagonal or bend at sides.

You can observe this problem simply by looking through the nozzle, if it seems to be not-symmetrical, there yous have your problem.

Hop up system and inner barrel alignment in airsoft.
Wait through barrel and judge the nozzle. The inner barrel is supposed to be in the centre when observed, the 2d flick shows the right position and the first one symbolizes the bad alignment.

Nevertheless, fifty-fifty if it seems to be perfectly symmetrical, sometimes it is not possible to discover it with your bare middle considering the problem may exist deeper at the spot where the hop upwards unit matches the gearbox.

One affair that we know is that we must brand it all centered if we desire to get the best of the guns accuracy potential.

To fix this you lot will need to get the hop upwardly and inner barrel out of the gun and apply some techniques to it in club to make it stable. You volition need either duct tape or super gum .

If you lot choose to employ duct tape then yous should wrap it effectually the inner barrel starting from the point where it touches the hop upwardly unit, it must fit well within the barrel and what you are trying to achieve is to make information technology centered and stiff, so it does not motion when y'all shoot.

If you choose super glue then you will have to put information technology right where information technology gets into the hop up unit and make it stick to it nicely.

I will share a video where a guy uses accelerate technique fixing his inner butt because it used to wobble inside the outer barrel and therefore the accuracy was terrible. Yous do not take to do things like this guy did just it volition make information technology more obvious nigh what I simply said if you take a await at it.

Broken inner barrel

In case that the inner barrel is bent, deformed or damaged than at that place is probably nothing you lot tin can exercise without some serious tools. Yous will accept easier time but ownership a new one or letting the repair masters do their task.

Hop up system

Hop up is something that you can easily accommodate on your own and equally a affair of fact all you need to do is to read from the gun's transmission and see the instructions. If the BB bents at sides is probably does not take to do much with regular hop up aligning, however when hop upwardly is not adapted properly you may see lower accurateness at distances.

Afterward adjusting the hop up and seeing whether it helped or not, if it did non work you tin also inspect the hop up rubber and see whether it is damaged or dislocated.

On older guns the rubber may get worn and therefore it loses its functionality, on newer guns it is probably not the case but it all the same may incorrectly placed and in which case you should detach the hop up system and replace the rubber with the newer one or just correctly place it in the right spot.


I hope that one of these techniques above helped yous fix this abrasive problem, in instance that the problem is even so present and yous are not satisfied with your guns accurateness consider investing into better one that volition vouch for it self. In case that the gun now woks fine only you are still not satisfied with its accuracy you lot tin as well consider getting a better one or upgrading it for accuracy. Not all guns can be upgraded but some certainly tin and you lot should make a inquiry nearly it.

Recommended books to skyrocket your airsoft feel and skills

The first volume of the airsoft bible teaches y'all adapted tactics that work within the field which are based on real armed services tactics.

The second book will teach you and your squad most the essential skill of communication (necessary for squad synergy and this is exactly what separates great teams from average).

Will a Glock Barrel Wok in an Airsoft Gun

Posted by: tyreenood1974.blogspot.com

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